Falconry re-enactment shows

The noble group of hunters
For your city celebrations, historical parades and other events, we offer fully equipped hunters in medieval costumes with various weapons and hunting dogs of various breeds. Archers, spearmen, dog handlers and others will demonstrate their skills in an educational-theatre program for children and adults. Interesting facts about historical hunting will be revealed to the audience, techniques of using weapons and working with animals such as dogs, horses and predators will be demonstrated.
- Price and performance duration: depending on the required number of performers and animals + travel costs

Royal falconry tents
Hunting tents at their best. A fully equipped falconry with raptors and falconry equipment provides an ideal background for a short introduction to the history and traditions of falconry.
- price: 200€ (without VAT) / tent

Option A
- 1 horseback falconer + 2 walking falconers
- 8 birds
- flight shows: 40 minutes
- price: 800€ (without VAT) + travel costs
- for yourneys over 500 km is travel payment

Option B
- 2 horseback falconers + 1 walking falconer
- 8 birds
- flight shows: 50 minutes
- hunting dogs
- hunting dressage in the saddle of horse
- price: 980€ (without VAT) + travel costs
- for yourneys over 500 km is travel payment
Re-enactment seasons options

Birds of prey

Steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
A medium-sized eagle, inhabiting the Asian steppes and the African savannas, with a wingspan of 165-190 cm, grows to a length of 62-74 cm, weighs 1.5-3.5 kg. It comes in two color variations – dark brown and light brown. It preys on smaller mammals, birds as well as insects and termites. She lays 1-3 eggs, on which both parents take turns sitting for 45 days, the young then stays in the nest for 55 days. The steppe eagle lives to be 50-60 years old.

Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Also known by the older name of the buzzard, it is a medium-sized species of the hawkmoth family. One of our most common predators living throughout Europe and Asia. The coloring is very variable. Typical features are long, broad wings and a short, densely striped tail, which allow it to use the wind for long circlings. It grows 50-57 cm, has a wingspan of 113-130 cm and weighs 775-975 kg. They mainly hunt small rodents, insects as well as reptiles and earthworms, often feeding on carrion or prey of other predators and beasts. These birds are protected by law in the Czech Republic.

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
One of the largest land-dwelling eagles in the northern hemisphere and, after the sea eagle, the largest predator living in the Czech Republic. It has a very impressive appearance, long and wide wings allow it not only to circle for a long time, but also to fly quickly and skillfully. The bald eagle is a strong and courageous predator, capable of hunting even large prey up to the size of roe deer. Body length is 80-90 cm, wingspan 95-220 cm, and weight 2.8-4.5 kg. They belong to the prized falconry raptors, for their hunting skills and their relationship with the falconer. It is also a predator subject to the strictest control.

Eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
A nocturnal bird from the Plover family. It is the largest living owl, often called the king of the night. The owl is all light and dark brown with black markings, the most striking of which are its large yellow to fiery orange eyes. Vultures are excellent hunters, and now we can see them more near cities, as their frequent prey is rats, cats, etc. The body length of an adult is usually between 60-70 cm, wingspan around 170 cm and weight usually between 1800-3000 g , especially large individuals reach a weight of over 4 kg. They are protected animals and their possession is subject to registration.

Lenner falcon (Falco biarmicus)
It is a small bird of prey living in Africa, Southeast Europe and Asia. It grows 43-50 cm and has a wingspan of 95-105 cm.

Saker falcon (Falco cherrug)
The raptor, often used in falconry, is widespread from Central Europe to Central Asia. The so-called the hawk’s beard, the spot under the eye, is only hinted at. Typical features are long, narrow wings and a longer tail with round white spots, which enable it to hunt on the ground. It is a very fast and skillful hunter. It hunts prey in flight and on the ground, rodents, especially ground squirrels. It nests on rocks and in trees. She lays 2-3 eggs, on which she sits for about 30 days. The young fledge after 45-50 days. It reaches maturity in 2-3 years.

Gyr falcon (Falco rusticolus)
The hunting falcon is a very rare endangered species, considered by falconers to be the king of all falconry-led raptors. Its homeland is the northern regions of remote forests and tundra. The further north it is located, the lighter its color becomes, up to pure white. This last form of coloring is the rarest, most valuable among falconers for its superior flying and hunting abilities. To this day, for example, in Arab states, among sheikhs, it is superior to everything else, including wives.

Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
This raptor has a gray-brown to blue-gray back, a white belly with subtle black banding, and a typical orange to red iris. Short rounded wings and a long tail allow it to maneuver quickly and make sharp turns. The female hawk is approximately the size of a buzzard, while the male is a third smaller. Its diet consists mainly of birds and small mammals, such as rodents. In the Czech Republic, they nest throughout the territory, but the total number continues to decrease despite legal protection.

Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
It is a worldwide widespread falcon-like raptor with long pointed wings and a short tail. There is a characteristic dark “beard” on his pale face. It hunts its prey exclusively in flight and reaches speeds of up to 400 km/h during its diving attacks. It is thus considered one of the fastest creatures on our planet. Its wingspan is 85-115 cm, body length 35-50 cm and weight varies depending on the sex, 500-1200 g. It nests mainly on rocks and performs acrobatic engagement flights during the mating season.

Harris hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)
This predator belongs to the raptor group and its homeland is Central America. It is characterized by living in a group of approximately 20 individuals, together with which it hunts and cares for the young. The wingspan of this buzzard is around one meter and the body length is 46-76 cm. The weight of males is around 710 g, while the average for females is 1020 g. The color of the feathers is dark brown with a white border at the beginning and end of the tail. It is a popular falconer of prey for its docile nature and good hunting qualities.

Information and technical parameters for events
- we offer costumes in Gothic / Renaissance / Baroque variants
- a 2-hour break is required between individual demonstrations
- the optimal terrain is grassy / soft surface – space 25x35m (for the minimum variant then from 10x20m)
- access to water for predators and horses
- electrical connection 220V – sound
- parking at the place of performance, or nearby
- we offer the option of English-speaking speakers (other languages by agreement)
The flight area is also important (surroundings – glass buildings, high voltage wires, mesh).